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The prime goal to win the game is earning points, which is possible by capturing valuable cards and performing sweeps.

- The players at opposite ends play as a team.
- Team players cannot view each other's cards.
- The points captured by both the players will go into the team's account.

In the beginning, the dealer deals four cards to the person on the right. After the bidding player bids and plays, the remaining cards are distributed automatically. Here, the bidder gets 8 cards, while the other player gets 12 cards each.

House: Group of cards that adds up to represent a rank. A house is only possible for rank 9 to 13(King).

Ordinary House
Collection of groups of cards that represents a rank. A house is only possible for cards 9 to 13(King).

Cemented House
A cemented house is a collection of a group of cards containing multiple combinations of the same rank.
Rank: Numeric or face value of the card represents its rank.

Loose Card: Cards on the table that do not belong to any house.

Sweep: It occurs when a player picks up all cards on the table at once. It carries decent points.

- The bidding player with four cards must bid for a rank from 9-13 based on the cards in hand.
- Once the player bids a rank, the four cards on the table are faced up.
- After viewing the cards, the bidding player can build, capture, or throw by playing the bid rank.

A player must build, capture, or throw a card in each round.
- A player can play a card from hand and select loose cards from the table in a way that adds up to the bidding rank.
- The same rank card can be captured using the bidding rank card.
- Players can capture by playing a card from hand and selecting loose cards from the table in a way that adds up to the bidding rank.
- A player can play a card from hand and select loose cards from the table in a way that adds up to the bidding rank.
Building a house is only possible when the player has a spare card of the particular rank. A player can either Create, Break, or Add to a house and become the house owner.

- Players can create a house by playing cards in hand and using loose cards on the table.
- A player must select all the combinations of the house they want to form from the table while creating a house.
- Players cannot create a house using only loose cards from the table.

Converting an ordinary house to a cemented one:
- Players can break any ordinary house by playing a card from hand to create a new house.
- Players can use only cards of rank A-4 to break a house.
- A loose card cannot break a house.
- A cemented house can never be broken down.

Converting an ordinary house to a cemented one:
- Players can cement a house by adding a single or combination of cards that sum up to the particular house rank by selecting loose cards from the table and playing a hand card.
- Players can also add a card to a cemented house by playing a card and selecting loose cards from the floor.

An owner must have at least one spare card of the rank equal to their house.
The owner:
- can only use this spare card to capture the house.
- cannot build other houses using that card.
- cannot throw that card.
- can use the spare card to build or throw only when the house gets captured by others.
*An owner can never break their own house.

There can be two owners of a house, each from two different teams.

The house belongs to player 1 and player 4
A player can add to the house if his teammate owns the house.

The house belongs to player 3
Capturing cards is the most prominent aspect to win.
A player can capture
- A single card
- Group of cards
- A house
If a player sweeps (captures all the cards on the table), it makes the team earn sweep points.

Capturing single card
A hand card of the same rank as a loose card can capture a single card.

Capturing group of cards
A hand card of the same rank as a loose card can capture a single card.
The player must also select loose cards whose combinations add up to the same rank.

Capturing a House
A player can capture a house by same rank as the house.
The player must also select loose cards whose combinations add up to the same house rank.

A player can never use a different rank card to capture a house.

When building and capturing does not seem possible, the player must throw a card.

Player cannot throw a card that equals a sum of cards from the loose cards.

A player cannot throw a card that equals the rank on the table.

Each Spade is worth its face value.

Each Ace is worth 1 point.

10’s of diamond worth two points.

- 25 points for sweep made by the bidding player in the first round.
- 50 points for all the other sweeps.
After all the players have played all the cards, the remaining cards on the table are captured by the team who captured the last round of cards.
The remaining four points go to the team that captures the highest number of cards.
There are two game modes in Seep card game.

The game consists of a specific number of rounds. The team with the highest points at the end of specified rounds wins the game.

The game is played for a specified number of points (50,100 or more). When the difference between the team points exceeds the specified points, the leading team wins.